How To Microwave A Apple

There are so many microwave apple recipes, which people can cook within minutes. The best part of apples is that, it can be used as a fruit, a snack and in desserts. The apple recipes can be cooked easily by both adults and children, because of their easy ingredients.

Can You Microwave Apple?

First, take a large apple and peel it. Take 1 ½ tbsps brown sugar, or crushed white sugar, along with 2 pinches of cinnamon. Put the apple in a microwave-safe bowl, and make a hole in the apple. The hole needs to be filled with sugar and cinnamon, and if the chef likes, drizzle maple syrup over it. The bowl has to be wrapped tightly in good plastic, and it should be air tight. Then, the chef need to microwave the apple for five minutes, on a high temperature; Food.

The plastic wrapping is important, because it works as a steamer. This is why, the chef needs to peel if off carefully, and then let it set for five minutes. The best way to serve a microwaved apple is with icecream or even crumbled cookies. Look at how to microwave brussels sprouts – Click Here.

Can I Microwave Apple Pie?

There is a really easy microwave apple pie recipe, which everyone should try. First, wash the apples and the cut them into tiny pieces. It is important to pour lemon juice on the apples, because it prevents them from getting brown. It is up to the chef what kind of sugar he wants to add to the mix; it could be white or brown. Then, add cinnamon, nutmeg, a pinch of salt and instant tapioca; GroupRecipes.

The next step is to take a microwave-safe pie pan, and the place pie crust at the bottom. Then, the chef has to pour all the apples in the pan, and place the other crush on it. Using a fork, it is best to make a few holes, and then brush them using an egg wash. When the chef places the pie pan in the microwave, he has to leave it there for eight minutes. Do you know if you can microwave rice be reheated – Read More.

How Long To Microwave Applesauce?

It takes about thirty minutes, for a chef to microwave an applesauce. First, take six apples, peel them, and chop them; they should measure around eight cups. Put 2 quarts water in a microwave dish, and then put the apples in the water; cover the microwave safe dish. Put the microwave on high for at least 10-12 minutes, so that the apples become soft and the chef can easily mash them. Add ¼ cup sugar, or more than that; the sugar should be according to taste. To add a little more taste, add ¼ tsp cinnamon and then serve while it’s still warm. If the guest is not due sometime soon, then the mixture can be put in the fridge as well. Do you know how to microwave carrots – Website.

There are so many dishes that people can make using apples, and that too, in the microwave! FoodHero.

The post How To Microwave A Apple appeared first on Bill Lentis Media.


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